Tourism student’s Erasmus+ exchange week in Belgium

As a student in University of Applied Sciences, students are given the opportunity to go abroad to study as an exchange student.

What was it like to do this kind of exchange?

Every year many students awaits impatiently about the information on the subject. This is a wonderful opportunity to go abroad, meet new people, gather different kind of knowledge, and get familiarized with different cultures.

But unfortunately, this is not the case for every student. Some students would like to have the same opportunities, but might have aspects in their lives, that does not make it possible. Some might have children, or they are not able to have a long period leave-of-absence from their workplaces, for example.

As we were starting our second-year studies last autumn, we were given the opportunity, to embark in this short-term Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). The intensive week of the course would last only a week, but would happen at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hasselt in Belgium. Funding granted from Erasmus+ Programme made the decision of taking a part in this project very easy. From the get-go, our whole group of classmates was willing and able to participate.

We were given a short introduction to the upcoming week in advance, and we then found out, that we would be doing and actual project for an actual commissioner. It was not revealed to us completely, but we had a little bit of information regarding the subject. The project would be taking place in an old castle and its surroundings.

Needless to say, we were excited!

Alternative ways to be an exchange student

When we were offered this kind of opportunity, we were thrilled to participate. We were excited to meet people from different cultures and experience studying in a different way. Even though most of us have travelled a lot, we were all equally excited to go! The week we spend in Hasselt was not an ordinary study week, instead we got to hear many interesting seminars, and the most important part was to work for a real-life case for a real commissioner. We got to create a business idea for an old castle in Maasmechelen, which was extremely interesting and definitely something different from our usual studies.

In addition to us from SAMK and the Belgium students from PXL, we were also accompanied by Croatian students for PAR University College. We all learned a lot from co-operating with different nationalities, and we had a really great time with everyone!

What did we learn?

By working with multiple other cultures, we had a lot of fun, but we also learned a lot from ourselves and about working all together. We also improved multiple skills, like working in a group, working with different personalities and people with different ways of doing schoolwork which can be challenging.

The good thing is we all remembered to have fun in the middle of the tight schedules and all, so our time management skills were on point. At some point it was difficult, as it is known that Finnish people are more punctual when others weren’t as much, we learned to be flexible, communicate and make compromises.

Overall, I think we can all agree that we learned a lot from this trip, whether it was through our successes or our mistakes. We gained valuable tools for the future and improved our skills we can benefit from in similar future projects!

Text: SAMK students Heli Kulju, Siiri Romoi and Johanna Ylioja

Images: PXL

Putting the learnt into practice through collaboration – Sales Pitch project with Rauma Chamber of Commerce

Collaboration with business should be embedded into business education. Studies aim to provide students with competencies needed for a successful career. As much as possible the learnt skills should be put into practice; both to strengthen them and to show that they can be useful in real life.

Sales Pitch is a project carried out in collaboration with Rauma Chamber of Commerce at SAMK Campus Rauma. The Chamber of Commerce grants an lnternationalization Award to a company or other active party in the region annually. 

The SAMK students work in small groups. They can be both degree and exchange students. This time they were a very international group of students coming from Belgium, France, Latvia, Vietnam and Australia, and  among them also one Finnish student.

In the project the students familiarize themselves with the finalists for the award both by searching information on them and also interviewing them. This way the students get an overview of who the finalists are and especially what kind of activities and operations make them potential candidates for the internationalization award.

The preparation stage for the students contains revising report writing and giving presentations. The  main focus, though, is on learning what pitching is, in what kind of situations it could and should be used. Understanding the general structure of pitching, and creating a sales pitch, are in the centre of practice. Learning about pitching is also appreciated by the students. One of the students comments that ”in my opinion public speaking is one of the most important skills in life”.

The students submit reports on the finalists to the judges of the Internationalization Award. The reports concentrate especially on how international the finalists are, what kind of international activities are part of their work. The students also look at the impact of the candidates on the region.

In their groups, the students design a pitch talk on the finalist they have familiarized themselves with. They rehearse the pitch and decide which member of their group will deliver it in the award event. The comment from a student shows the benefit of real life experience: “The fact that I had to do concrete work on an existing company was very interesting for me. I liked the fact that I had to present in front of the Chamber of Commerce and the company managers, although it was a little  stressful.”

The students, on top of getting an understanding of pitching and getting familiar with a local company, also build up their transversal skills. They learn about teamwork, scheduling and language skills, among other things. Last but not least, it is also essential to gain confidence and courage in a variety of skills and contexts. The core of it is stated by a student: “I am very proud of myself, for going outside my comfort zone for this project.”

Text: Marina Wikman, Lecturer

Picture: SAMK students with certificates for the completed Chamber of Commerce project (Marina Wikman).

From new acquaintance to old partners in a heartbeat

Back in April 2019, Judith and Ragna were waiting at a hotel reception in Tampere. By the time we arrived in Pori it was like we would have known each other for a long time already. And yet it was only some weeks earlier that we got the first enquiry from HZ from two teachers who wanted to visit us under the Erasmus+ teacher mobility programme. HZ? A University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Completely new to us, but of course we were happy to welcome a new partner.

During the visit we learned how very similar HZ and SAMK are when it comes to teaching philosophy, pedagogical methods, research interests, degree programmes, and even administratively, considering e.g., the size of the school or organizational form. Both schools represent higher education in rural areas focusing strongly on co-operation and development projects with the organizations in the area.

The plan was to pay back the visit, but then Covid19 forced us to find immediately new ways to co-operate. Tourism management students of HZ needed clients for their development project and since the owner of an adventure company suddenly had spare time in their hands, I interrupted their forest skiing trip and asked to co-operate with HZ students in spring 2020.

Mirthe Martinius and Jere Kuusinen

This autumn we finally had a chance to continue building even stronger relationship within tourism education. Mirthe visited SAMK and finally I had a chance to visit Vlissingen. In the meanwhile, our tourism student had done her exchange studies at HZ, and we also had incoming exchange students from HZ. But as I like to promote to our students especially partners, who I know well, I was so happy to finally visit HZ Café and shop myself, see student lounges and classrooms – and of course, students.

During my teacher exchange I joined Scrum-session with the second-year students and followed their presentations on cultural awareness. I gave lectures on seasonal employees, connection between salary and job satisfaction, and on Finnish culture based on Hofstede, Trompenaars and Lewis, as requested. And I must say I felt slightly intimidated to give a lecture on Dutch scholars – for the Dutch.

The highlight of my visit was when I saw genuine interest on students’ faces when I introduced SAMK as an exchange opportunity for them. One of my lectures was also joined by 14 prospective HZ students interested in tourism studies. They were hosted by study buddies, and they had lunch together during the day when they followed the regular schedule of tourism students. Hopefully prospective students of HZ will also be our prospective incoming exchange students!

Learning even better how same and yet different we as schools are, gave me lots of ideas. For example, in the Netherlands tourism studies follow the same profile in all schools, whereas in Finland, we have the flexibility to design our own curricula, even though tourism educators have a strong and active co-operation network. This provides a great opportunity for us to provide complementary studies for HZ tourism management students.

HZ main campus in Vlissingen

All great business stories start from a garage, and HZ has their very own Garage, where interdisciplinary teams of students make projects for organizations that have requested students to develop something for them. I also had a pleasure to visit the daily stand-up, which was scheduled exceptionally for the afternoon due to my visit. All in all, I could not have felt more welcomed with so many people being aware of my visit, having my own desk at the staff working area, being invited into daily conversations, and being accompanied by both tourism and sport management teams for a dinner.  

Since April 2019 when Judith and Ragna had the opportunity to stand on a (piece of) frozen sea, SAMK and HZ have also partnered in Skills4CMT-project together with some of our other national and international partners. I would like to encourage our colleagues in SAMK and HZ to look for co-operation opportunities in research and education, including student mobility, as I am sure there are many possibilities for us to discover how to #thinkfuture, and to ensure #itsyourfuture. 

Text: Heini Korvenkangas, Senior Lecturer

Article photo (top photo): Judith van Poppel and Ragna Brouwers visited the Yyteri beach in winter.

Lehtorin mietteitä: Opiskelijoiden kanssa reissussa

Artikkelikuva: PXL

Haaveilin ja suunnittelin. Pohdin, että uskaltaisinko, ja että saisinko reissun onnistumaan. Koronavuosien jälkeen haluisin tarjota tutorryhmälleni uuden ja erilaisen oppimiskokemuksen.

Tilaisuus tarjoutui belgialaisen yhteistyökumppanin kautta. Kyseessä oli BIP eli Blended Intensive Programme, jonka kohokohtana oli intensiiviviikko Belgiassa Hasseltissa PXL ammattikorkeakoulun vieraana. Matkaan lähtivät minä ja opiskelijani eli matkailun kansainvälisen tutkinto-ohjelman toisen vuoden opiskelijat.

Kuva: Jaana Ruoho

Hello World -nimiselle BIP-kurssille osallistui opiskelijoita Belgiasta (PXL), Kroatiasta (PAR) ja Suomesta (SAMK). Kurssilla kehitettiin uusi konsepti paikalliselle linnalle.

Olimme reissussa marras-joulukuun vaihteessa 2022. Joulupukki oli muistanut meitä herkuilla. Kuvassa SAMKin International Tourism Management -ohjelman opiskelija Heli Kulju tutkii kroatialaisen opiskelijan kanssa saalista.

Kuva: Jaana Ruoho

Intensiiviviikko tiiviillä ohjelmalla ja tavallisuudesta poikkeavalla pedagogisella lähestymistavalla virkisti ja antoi uutta potkua omaan työhön. Parasta oli vaihtelu omaan perustyöhön ja vertailukohdan saaminen omalle asiantuntijuudelle. Oli hienoa myös nähdä, miten omat opiskelijat pärjäsivät, osasivat ja oppivat.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö vahvistui. Tässä minä ja kollegat Kroatiasta.

Kuva: Sandra Di Marcantonio.

Opettajalle ja opiskelijoille BIP antoi mahdollisuuden työskennellä kansainvälisessä tiimissä, oppien taitoja, joita tarvitaan kansainvälisissä ja monikulttuurisissa opiskelu- ja työyhteisöissä.

Kuva: Sandra Di Marcantonio.

Erasmus+ lyhyt monimuotoliikkuvuuden BIP-kurssi tarkoittaa vähintään kolmen opintopisteen laajuista kurssia, jossa yhdistyy fyysinen ja virtuaalinen yhteisoppiminen. BIP-kurssin järjestää kolme Erasmus+-ohjelmaan osallistuvaa korkeakoulua.

BIP on myös riittävän lyhyt, jolloin monella on siihen mahdollisuus elämäntilanteesta riippumatta. Opiskelijat pääsevät myös harjoittelemaan viikon mittaiseen vaihtoon liittyviä käytännön asioita. Yhdessä matkustaminen, majoittuminen ja tiivis työskentely vahvistavat ryhmähenkeä.

Minä matkustin yksin ja opiskelijat matkustivat omia reittejään.

Teksti: Jaana Ruoho, matkailuliiketoiminnan lehtori

Työmatkalla Euroopan toisella laidalla

Korona-aikana työmatkat ovat olleet vähissä. Vuoden sisällä kolmas työmatkani suuntautui Lissaboniin Portugaliin COST DAMOCLES -projektin loppukokouksien ja konferenssin merkeissä.

COST DAMOCLESin edellinen vuosikokous järjestettiin Leipzigissä. Lue matkasta lisää täältä.

Matka Lissaboniin oli pitkä. Huomasin käytännössä korona-aikana heikentyneet yhteydet Satakunnasta maailmalle. Junani lähti Porin rautatieasemalta 4.9.2022 klo 10 ja jouduin odottamaan lentoa Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä viitisen tuntia. Saavuin hotellille Lissabonin keskustassa Suomen aikaa klo 01.10.

Lissabonin kulttuuria

Maanantaiaamu valkeni aurinkoisena ja lämpimänä. Aamulla tein töitä hotellilla. Lähdin liikkeelle kohti päivän kokouksia hieman aiemmin, jotta ehdin tutustua kaupunkiin. Kävin Castelo de S. Jorgen linnassa, jonka alueella on ollut ihmisasutusta jo 700 vuotta ennen ajanlaskun alkua. Linna toimi myös usean sadan vuoden ajan kuninkaanlinnana. Toisena käyntikohteeni oli Carmo Convent, joka on entinen katolinen luostari ja nykyään arkeologinen museo. Luostarin goottikirkko tuhoutui vuoden 1755 maanjäristyksessä ja jäljellä ovat rauniot.

Lissabonin metropolissa liikkuminen sujuu julkisella liikenteellä. Olin jo aamulla nähnyt funikulaarin ja raitiovaunun, mutta en niitä viikon aikana tullut käyttäneeksi. Siirryin maanantain ydinryhmän (eng. core group) kokoukseen metrolla. Arkioloissa liikennevälineeni ovat auto, pyörä ja jalkapeli.

Kokouksia ja konferenssia

Ydinryhmän kokous alkoi lounaalla italialaisessa ravintolassa ja jatkui Lissabonin yliopiston Tieteiden tiedekunnan (engl. Faculty of Sciences) tiloissa. Ydinryhmässä käytiin läpi projektin tilanne eri työpaketeissa ja tehtiin suunnitelma projektin loppuun. Kokouksessa neuvoteltiin yhteistyöstä australialaisen FT Nina Ridderin (ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes) ja RISK-KAN-verkoston ( vetäjän FT Kai Kornhuberin kanssa. COST DAMOCLES on saanut puoli vuotta jatkoaikaa (maaliskuun 2023 loppuun), koska korona on hidastanut yhteistä toimintaa. Toisena kokouksena oli hallintokomitean kokous (engl. management committee). COST DAMOCLESin vetäjä FT Jakob Zscheischler kertoi, että DAMOCLES on saavuttanut tavoitteensa, mutta korona on hankaloittanut sidosryhmätyöskentelyä.

Maanantai-illalla alkoi varsinainen konferenssi avajaistilaisuudella (engl. ice-breaker), joka oli jokiristeily Tejo-joella. Jokiristeilyllä keskustelin portugalilaisen professorin kokemuksista vastaväittäjänä toimimisesta Oulun yliopistolla. Keskustelin myös kreikkalaisen ja irlantilaisen osanottajan kanssa kulttuuriemme erilaisista toimintamalleista. COST-projekteissa (engl. European Cooperation in Science &Technology) tärkeitä ovat yhteiset tutkimuskysymykset, mutta myös verkostoituminen ja eri maiden ihmisiin tutustuminen.

Loppukonferenssi pidettiin PMA:ssa (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera). Olin mukana järjestelytoimikunnassa. Ennen varsinaista konferenssia järjestelytoimikunta suunnitteli ohjelman, asetti valmisteluaikataulun ja arvioi lähetetyt tiivistelmät. Hyväksytyt tiivistelmät jaettiin suullisiin esityksiin ja posteriesityksiin. Konferenssissa oli kaikkiaan viisi teemaa ja se kesti tiistaista torstai-iltapäivään. Toimin keskiviikkoaamuna puheenjohtajana ”The Drivers of Compound Events”-session puheenjohtajana. Postereita esiteltiin tiistaina ja keskiviikkona. Pääsin kokemaan elämäni ensimmäisen posterisession ulkotiloissa.

Jokaisella työmatkalla oppii jotain uutta. Konferenssin sosiaaliseen ohjelmaan kuuluivat myös tauot, joissa oli tarjolla laaja kattaus portugalilaisia suolaisia ja makeita naposteltavia. Opin juomaan kahvia mustana, koska maitoa ei ollut saatavilla. Konferenssi-illallinen oli upealla näköalalla varustetussa tunnelmallisessa Zambese-nimisessä ravintolassa.

Työkaverini Heikki Koiviston suosituksesta kävin Lissabonissa bongaamassa myös merilogistiikan teemoja. Lissabonissa sijaitsee Euroopan meriturvallisuusvirasto (European Maritime Safety Agency, EMSA). SAMKin senior fellow Markku Mylly toimi EMSA:n pääjohtajana vuosina 2012-2017. Kävin bongaamassa EMSA:n rakennuksen joen rannalla keskiviikkoaamuna. Torstaina konferenssin jälkeen vierailin paikallisessa merenkulkumuseossa Museu de Marinha:ssa. Merenkulkumuseossa oli soutualus, jolla kuningatar Elizabeth II:ta oli kyyditty hänen ensimmäisellä vierailullaan Portugaliin vuonna 1957.  Muutama tunti myöhemmin luin Ylen Uutisvahdin sovelluksesta, että kuningatar oli siirtynyt ajasta iäisyyteen. Päivä jää mieleen ”Missä olit kun …” -tapahtumana.

Työmatka oli värikäs ja monipuolinen kokonaisuus. Lissabonin satojen vuosien historian keskellä yksilö tuntee itsensä pieneksi ja elämänsä rajalliseksi.

Teksti ja kuvat: Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola

Globaali merenkulun konferenssi järjestetään lokakuussa 2023

SAMKille myönnettiin järjestelyvastuu Kansainvälisen merenkulkualan korkeakoulujen (IAMU) vuosikonferenssin 2023 marraskuussa 2021.

Lue aiheesta uutinen.

Osana prosessia SAMK teki tervetulovideon ”IAMU AGA23 SAMK Finland”, joka oli esillä Aleksandriassa Egyptissä lokakuussa 2021.

Katso video

Konferenssin “Annual General Assembly of International Association of Maritime Universities in 2023” järjestelyt käynnistyivät syyskuussa 2022. Konferenssille perustetaan paikallinen ja kansainvälinen järjestelytoimikunta. Vuoden 2023 konferenssia esitellään myös Batumissa, Georgiassa lokakuussa 2022.

Teksti: Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola ja Petteri Hyvärinen

Export activities of Central Baltic area companies in Southern Africa and Middle East

SAMK has been active in Interreg Central Baltic projects supporting companies in developing business activities outside EU markets. The SME Aisle project team has worked on export activities in Southern African countries in the fields of trade, maritime and logistics, renewable energy, automation, and ICT. One of the SME Aisle project members, Tiina Mäkitalo, has also worked in an export project IHMEC that was targeting Saudi Arabian construction markets with indoor hygiene solutions that aim to break the chain of infection with built environment. The aim of this text is to compare these two markets as both projects have been funded by the Central Baltic program.

When looking at the similarities between the two markets first, the entry is quite the same since both markets bring identical challenges: contacts and networking, business culture, and market information. Similarities and differences are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Review of the main similarities and differences between the two markets

Both the construction and the health care sectors are highly regulated, and the challenge for the IHMEC case was that providing the “Nordic solution” wasn’t sufficient, but it had to be adapted to local context in Saudi Arabia. The product must be more tailored based on the needs of the market and customers. To seek approval for the solution for instance, the IHMEC project targeted lead users and opinion leaders.

The second similarity is the importance of building trustworthy relationships. It imperatively begins by going into the country, experiencing the culture, and meeting people. In both situations, networking is the key to a successful entry and implementation. It is so important that it is almost impossible to establish a position without at least face-to-face communication.

To highlight the differences between the two areas: Finnish companies are perceived a bit differently from a country to another. In Southern African markets, it is seen as reliable, humble, and innovative. Finnish companies listen well and adapt their products well to the target market. They are usually seen as technologically advanced and having high standards. However, they are also perceived as bad marketers struggling to show the value proposition of the product (mainly based on practical aspects only).

The Saudi Arabian point of view is that Finland is a reliable and non-corrupted country known for its good PISA results, having advanced health care and being the happiest country in the world. Companies are seen as reliable, but maybe not so flexible compared to Saudi business culture where all business is personal. In addition, Finns are seen as less adaptive in Saudi Arabia. Saudis expect reactivity in business meaning that they would like partners to be in contact also outside the “business hours”. They also share business material via WhatsApp, which is not usual, or even not allowed in Finland.

The final variance is the purchasing power. Southern African countries (except South Africa) have a low purchasing power leading to a preference for B2B and B2G. Yet, Saudi Arabia is a very rich country with possibilities to purchase the best technologies. They favour American solutions and utilise those as standards. For Finnish solutions, the challenge is to convince the demanding customer about the novelty, high quality, and why it is “better than the American ones”.

All in all, both of the markets have high potential for business. Long term commitment from companies is needed for success.

Text: Arthur Dessenius, Tiina Mäkitalo, Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola

Photo: Pixabay: TheDigitalArtist

Project ChangeMakers visiting sTARTUp days 2022

ChangeMakers is a Central Baltic project, that was ignited by a challenge we all are aware of: societies and companies should act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and support youth employment and entrepreneurship. The ChangeMakers project works with these themes from March 2020 to November 2022. On the 24th-26th of August, a group of students, teachers and project partners took part in the most business-minded business festival in Tartu, Estonia – sTARTUp days 2022.

The project connected around 250 students, aged 14-17, from Finland (incl. Åland), Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. Students were given real-life environmental challenges from local companies, and their mission was to create multicultural mini startups to solve these challenges. Challenges were related to circular economy, recycling and reducing additional waste of products or in production.

What would be a better way to close the project than visiting one of the most active startup cities in the Baltics!

Students started their festival experience on Wednesday with some side events. “A Drive To The Future” was a show of self-driving cars at Tasku Centre, continued by “Tartu Street Art Tour” and “Buildit Green Demo Day” – that was exactly something the students have been doing in ChangeMakers!

Seen at Buildit Green Demo Day: Company making product boxes out of textile waste by carding fibers. Katri Moisio
Students had time to tour around the beautiful city of Tartu. Jani Helenius

Thursday – the first official day of the event at the Sports Centre of the University of Tartu, offered very inspiring and thoughtful presentations, such as Mateja Sponza from Microsoft talking about “How to use AI – even if you don’t have a team of Data scientists”. Mateja went through Microsoft’s massive library of different artificial intelligence and machine learning tools.

The most exciting part of Thursday for entrepreneurs was the Pitching competition, where companies with ground-breaking ideas and products pitched to the jury in hopes of getting an investment.

In today’s world, multitasking is something that we are used to – at least having several things going on simultaneously. But are we seriously getting anything done? For that purpose, we entered some productivity masterclasses: “Control Your Time, Energy and Attention to Achieve Powerful Results” and “From High performance to Hyper performance”, where we gained some great new tools and ideas to build our everyday life, or even just our workday, differently to be more productive.

Friday, the last day of the event, did not leave us cold either. With great presentations on mental health, happiness, space technology and innovations, the teachers of our crew found “Data Monetization – Anarchy, Oligarchy or Democracy” and “To Build Fast You Need to Be Slow” the most inspiring. When a service we like to use is free, usually we, the users, are the product. However, globally there’s an abundance of rules and regulations surrounding data governance. We would obviously like to own our personal data, but that’s the product for major companies as we heard during the Data Monetization presentation.

Teachers, students and project members of the CB851 ChangeMakers – Start-ups for sustainable environment created by youngsters from Finland and Estonia, would like to thank Tartu for a great festival and hospitality – hopefully see you again next year!

Text: Ollipekka Kivin and Olena de Andres Gonzalez
: Katrin Kaur, Katri Moisio and Jani Helenius

Final events of the CBSmallPorts project in Riga, Latvia

The CBSmallPorts project, focused on developing small ports in the Central Baltic area, started just as the pandemic hit the world in 2020. COVID restrictions prevented face-to-face meetings from happening and therefore project partners from different countries were only able to meet in online meetings and workshops. Luckily, during the last few months of the project, the CBSmallPorts partners, including SAMK team, could have a few face-to-face workshops and participate in a few events and fairs. At last, the final conference and final partner meeting were held in in Riga, Latvia in August 2022 for the entire project partnership.

Travel to Riga, 24.08.2022

The SAMK team took an approximately one-hour flight from Helsinki to Riga in the afternoon on 24 August. When we arrived at the airport in Riga, we took taxis to our hotel Wellton Riverside Spa Hotel located in the city center. After a short rest we had a walk in the old town of Riga which was very close to the hotel.

View from the airplane in Helsinki, Finland.

The old town of Riga had a wonderful atmosphere with historical buildings. Most of us in the team were taking beautiful photos of the streets and buildings even though a few of us had already visited the place some years back. Our walk in the old town, which lasted for a few hours, ended with a great dinner. The it was time to head back to the hotel to rest and to prepare for the conference on the day after.

CBSmallPorts final conference, 25.08.2022

The venue for the final conference room was located on the top (8th) floor of the same hotel we stayed at. After having a good breakfast, we met our partners in the conference room at around 9:30 AM to have a coffee and start the conference at 10 AM.

It was very exciting to finally being able to meet the partners from Sweden, Latvia, and Estonia after having mostly online meetings for over two years. That reminded us how important it is to meet the coworkers or partners in person and how the work can proceed when meeting people face-to-face.

Final conference in Wellton Riverside SPA Hotel’s conference room in Riga, Latvia.

During the final conference, the presentations covered topics such as small port development, energy efficiency for boaters and small ports, and development of networks and cooperation. The small ports are part of the tourism industry – they are essential in providing services to boaters and other users. It was mentioned that one euro spent in the small port leads to four euros spent in other services. The CBSmallPorts project results were presented by SAMK’s Minna Keinänen-Toivola. Minna introduced one of the key results of the CBSmallPorts project, an online platform called Baltic Small Ports. In addition, as August 25 happened to be the annual Baltic Sea Day, it was a great opportunity to celebrate the Baltic Sea at the conference, as well.

Minna Keinänen-Toivola presenting CBSmallPorts project results.

The last partner meeting with a tour in small ports and old Riga, 26.08.2022

On Friday morning, SAMK team and project partners gathered in the meeting room for the last partner meeting of the project. It was time to sum up the results and have final discussions. Jussi Sutela from XAMK, one of the project partner organizations, attended the meeting online. At last, we took a group photo and ended the meeting with a wish to work with the same partners in future projects.

CBSmallPorts project partners’ group photo.

After the meeting, we took a bus to visit three small ports in Riga and to have a one-hour guided tour in the old town of Riga. We had the chance to hear the history and stories behind the old buildings. Riga and Latvia in general, have an interesting history and hearing them while visiting the place and taking photos, is a great experience.

Latvian small ports have had several investments made with EU-funding.
Guided sightseeing in the Old Town of Riga.

Finally, after a lunch in a restaurant with a beautiful view it was time to head to the airport and return to Finland. Overall, it was an amazing trip with the company of nice people, in a beautiful city with a wonderful atmosphere.

Text: Sina Khabbazi and Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola
Photos: Sina Khabbazi and Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola

Hoitotyön opiskelijan kokemuksia Bli proffs! -hankkeesta 

SAMKin opiskelijoilla oli mahdollisuus osallistua Bli proffs! -hankkeen vapaasti valittavalle Svensk företagskultur -opintojaksolle kevätlukukaudella 2022. Svensk företagskultur on ruotsin kieleen liittyvä opintojakso, jonka tavoitteena on tutustua syvemmin ruotsalaiseen ja suomenruotsalaiseen yrityskulttuuriin sekä työelämässä tarvittavaan ruotsin kielen taitoon. Opintojaksoon kuuluu verkkotunnit, opintokäynnit ja itsenäinen työskentely.

Mukana oli Bli proffs! -hankkeen projektipäällikkö ja lehtori Mari Linna, ruotsinopettaja Anni Jokiranta ja ammattiaineiden opettajat Viveka Höijer-Brear (fysioterapia ja kuntoutus) sekä Tero Tuomi (liiketalous).

Luentoihin osallistui eri alojen työelämäkumppaneita, tunnit koostuivat ryhmätöistä ja tehtävien tekemisistä. Opintojaksoon osallistui kansainvälisen kaupan, yrittäjyyden, tekniikan sekä avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijoita.

Opintokäynnit ja verkkotunnit

Hanke on toteuttanut useita opintojaksoja. Olen osallistunut kahteen niistä. Ensimmäinen oli Ruotsin aktivointi -kurssi. Sillä opintojaksolla vierailin Hilla-senioriasuntoihin, Kristiinankaupungin perusturvaan (Kristinahemmet) sekä Geritrim-kuntoutuskeskukseen. Nämä vierailut olivat minulle erityisen tärkeitä, koska opiskelen hoitoalalla.

Svensk företagskultur -opintojakson aikana meillä oli kolme opintokäyntiä.

Ensimmäinen opintokäynti oli Ahlström, jossa tutustuttiin ruotsinkieliseen kulttuuriperintöön ja historiaan. Opintojaksolla oli mukana asiakkuuspäällikkö Tiina Rajala. Luennolla hän esitti Ahlströmin 170-vuotishistoriaa ja kulttuuriperinnettä. Saatiin nähdä, kuinka historia vaikutti yhtiön tähän päivään.

Toinen opintokäynti oli Tactic-yrityksessä. Tactic on Pohjoismaiden suurin ja ekologisin pelitalo. Esityksen piti pelisuunnittelija Petter Ilander.

Kolmas opintokäynti oli Leimet Oy -yrityksessä. Leimet on metallialan yritys, joka valmistaa paalutuksessa tarvittavia betonipaalujen teräksisiä jatkos- ja kärkikappaleita, joista 90 prosenttia menee vientiin. Esityksen piti myyntipäällikkö Henri Vuorinen.

Oli hienoa tutustua erilaisiin yrityksiin.

Verkkotunneilla pidettiin kamerat auki ja jokaisella opiskelijalla oli mahdollisuus kysyä ja puhua vapaasti kaikesta. Opiskelijat olivat erittäin aktiivisia tunneilla. Tunnit olivat erittäin hyödyllisiä, opiskelijat olivat motivoituneita ja ahkeria, opettajat olivat innostuneita.

Kurssilla on erilaisia tehtäviä, joissa on hyötyä, jos ruotsin kieli on todella hyvä. Se ei kuitenkaan haitannut, vaikka ruotsin kieli olisi vähäisessä käytössä tai aloittelijatasolla. Kurssin aikana tulee valtava kehitys, sillä sitä käytetään kaikkialla. Kaikki olivat erittäin auttavaisia, joten kurssilla pärjää todella hyvin kaikentasoiset ruotsin puhujat.

Tukholman opintokäynnit

Kielen oppii parhaiten ruotsinkielisessä ympäristössä. Kurssin lopussa meillä oli hieno mahdollisuus päästä Tukholman matkalle. Meitä oli 10 opiskelijaa eri aloilta.

Ensimmäisenä päivänä meillä oli opintomatka suomalais-ruotsalaisessa kauppakamarissa, jossa esityksen piti toimitusjohtaja Kjell Skoglund, hänen assistenttinsa Milena Westman, markkinaneuvoja Tayebeh Sedighi ja harjoittelija Ronja Englund. Siellä sain kuulla, miten markkinointi toimii Suomen ja Ruotsin välillä ja kuinka hyvin Suomi ja Ruotsi toimii yhdessä. Vaikka itse en opiskele liiketaloutta, oli erittäin mielenkiintoista kuunnella markkinoinnista.

Toisena päivänä olimme Suomen Tukholma-instituutissa. Siellä meidät otti vastaan kirjastopäällikkö Eeva Östberg. Instituutin tavoitteena on luoda kohtaamisia ruotsalaisen ja suomalaisen kulttuurielämän välille.

Instituutti tiedottaa muiden järjestäjien suomalaista kulttuuria esittelevistä satsauksista Ruotsissa ja näyttää uusia suomalaisia elokuvia yli 50 paikkakunnalla Ruotsissa.

Suomi-kuva on muuttunut positiivisemmaksi kuin ennen oli. Suomalaista koulutusta arvostetaan kovasti. Instituutti pyrkii levittää ja lisätä suomalaista kulttuuria ja perinnettä.

Instituutti tarjoaa myös harjoittelumahdollisuuksia SAMKin opiskelijoille.

Vapaa ohjelma Tukholman kaupungilla

Opintokäynnit olivat aamulla, joten loppupäivä oli vapaata ohjelmaa.

Opintokäyntien jälkeen tutustuttiin syvemmin Tukholman nähtävyyksiin ja maisemiin. Käytiin museoissa, Fotografiska-valokuvamuseossa ja Vaasamuseossa. Museot olivat todella vaikuttavia.

Käytiin erilaisissa puistoissa katsomassa luontoa. Käytiin erilaisissa kaupoissa ja kirpputoreilla. Nautittiin erittäin hyvää ruokaa ravintoloissa ja kahviloissa ympäri kaupunkia.

Meillä oli valtavasti mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää omaa ruotsin kielitaitoa.

Omat ajatukset opinnoista

Pidin todella kovasti tästä matkasta. Joka päivä olen oppinut paljon uutta, hyödynsin omaa ruotsin kielitaitoa ja sain hyviä kavereita. Meillä oli erittäin hauska ryhmä ja meillä oli todella kivaa opiskella yhdessä. Jokainen auttoi toista eikä kukaan jäänyt yksin. Tästä opintojaksosta minulle jäi todella kiitollinen ja hyvä olo. Minun ruotsin kielitaitoni kehittyi valtavasti ja sain enemmän motivaatiota sen oppimiseen.

Teksti: Viktoriia Koskinen

Kuvat: Viktoriia Koskinen ja Mari Linna